Our Mission

* Educate healthcare professionals

* Establish a clinic for FTD sufferers

* Support research

Thursday, October 30, 2008

FTD Support Group is now ONLINE

http://ftdsupportforum.com/ When I first visited the AFTD site, it was weak...and really not much help other than a site to send money to. Now they link you over to this support site, which seems to be really well laid out.

Back to Business

Have been busy moving into a new house, putting in a garden and a new yard. Now it is time to get back to business.

The biggest thing we noticed through the whole process of draggin my brother and sister to doctors, was that doctors and nurses were clueless about FTD.

Once I started learning about FTD....it was so obvious what was going on with them. HINDSIGHT ... if only.....................